A'm calon oll dyrchafaf gân

(Duw yn noddfa yn nydd trallod)
               RHAN I.

A'm calon oll dyrchafaf gân,
  Dy wyrthiau glân a draethaf;
A'm llais yn llon
    rhof barch a bri
  I'th enw di'r Gouchaf.

Gwna'r Arglwydd grasol hyn wrth raid,
  Trueiniaid fe'u hymddiffyn;
Noddfa a fydd i'r rhai'n mewn pryd,
  Pan fo caledfyd arnyn'.

A phawb a'th edwyn
    rhont eu cred,
  A'u holl ymddiried arnat;
Can's ni adewaist, Arglwydd, neb,
  A droes ei wyneb attat.

O cenwch fawl i'r cyfiawn Dduw,
  Yr hwn sy'n byw yn Sïon;
I'r bobl mynegwch bawb ar g'oedd
  Ei holl weithredoedd mawrion.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau, Daniel Rees, 1831.

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  RHAN II - Byth byth y pery'r Arglwydd Iôr
  Cloddforaf fi fy Arglwydd Iôr

(God a refuge in the day of trouble)
                PART 1.

With my whole heart I will raise a song,
  Thy holy wonders I shall expound;
With my voice cheerfully
    I shall render honour and esteem
  To thy name, thou Most High.

The gracious Lord will do this at need,
  Wretches he does defend;
A refuge he will be to those in time,
  Whenever hardship should be upon them.

And everyone who recognizes thee
    shall give their credence,
  And their whole trust upon thee;
Since thou will not leave, Lord, anyone,
  Who turns his face to thee.

O sing praise to the righteous God,
  He who is living in Zion;
To the people declare everyone publicly
  All his great works.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

1 To celebrate thy praise, O Lord,
    I will my heart prepare;
  To all the list'ning world
      thy works,
    thy wond'rous works declare.

2 The thought of them shall to my foes
    exalted pleasures bring;
  Whilst to thy Name, O thou most High,
    triumphant praise I sing.

9 God is a constant
      sure defence
    again oppressing rage;
  As troubles rise, his needful aids
    in our behalf engage.

10 All those who have his goodness prov'd
     will in his truth confide;
   Whose mercy ne'er forsook the man
     that on his help rely'd.

11 Sing praises therefore to the Lord,
     from Sion his abode;
   Proclaim his deeds, till all the world
     confess no other God.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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